“Footsteps of Agnes de Mille and Jerome Robbins… most invigorating”

“That ardor for the dance form and its classical rigor are filtered through the becoming choreography of director Susan Stroman, who, in the footsteps of Agnes de Mille and Jerome Robbins, has created as a finale for this musical — still, it seems, deeply in progress — a delightful dream ballet, with Peck at its center… The more finely wrought diversions of Little Dancer occur when Stroman and her corps of dancers remind us that this is indeed a musical about ballet. These dance sequences offer the most invigorating exposure in a musical to the beauty of the form since Billy Elliot. Stroman’s choreography here betokens the passion for dance she infused so exhilaratingly into Contact, her Tony-winning triptych of dance-theater pieces.”